Sunday, October 17, 2010
This chair is a great idea and is visually pleasing. As y0u sit onto the block, they move and contour to the shape of your body. There had been complaints about this chair though as many people refused to sit on it as it had steel rods through it with a bit of foam padding.
This is made from tennis balls more visual art than practical but is a interesting idea as tennis balls are quite soft.
This chair would be quite handy as it folds up and able to be carried to its destination.
This chair is very interesting. It used the idea of fish, rib bones, which creates depth to the chair. It looks like a desk chair as the shape curves around to support your back.
This Chair is practical as well as visually pleasing. Practical as a coat or hat hanger. The colour makes it modern.
This chair is made using pencils to create a spiky effect. Although uncomfortable to sit on, is effect in the way of visual art. This chair was made by Pepe Heykoop.
This chair is made of plumbing tubes, melted at the seat to create a comfortable sitting shape. The ends of the chair support the chair in standing. Tom Price created this chair, by heating and fusing the plumbing tubes together.
The melting of the rope makes this chair so effective, by making it sturdy and hold together. The hard plastic made by melting the rope creates the sitting area. This is a small chair that would easily fit into spaces.
The material used for this chair is unexpected. Using a lot of compact discs stacked together, side-by-side creates. This idea of using cd’s is creative but may also be very uncomfortable with the round disc’s instead of a flat, flowing surface.
The cardboard used to create this chair crates depth. The cardboard going in different directions, makes the chair stronger.
This chair is made from street signs. I think the high back makes this chair interesting.